Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Workers' Compensation and Social Security Disability Insurance

I spent part of last week in Washington, DC at a seminar sponsored by the National Academy of Social Insurance and the U.S. Social Security Agency. The seminar focused on the fact that many of the clients served by both workers’ compensation (WC) and social security (SS).

My role in the conference was to provide a Canadian perspective and some insights into how Canadian public policy makers are dealing with the overlap between workers’ compensation and social security. More importantly, my hosts were interested in the innovations Canadians are bringing to the return-to-work priority both systems share for the clients who may be able to overcome the barriers to gainful re-employment in the labour force.

The research is pretty clear: early intervention improves return to work outcomes. Typically, access to services to assist in an early return to work (RTW) is more associated with workers’ compensation than Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Canada Pension Plan-Disability (CPP-D). Consequently, public policy that increases the scope of coverage for WC tends to increase access to programs and services of this population that would not otherwise have such access. Since many of those who are outside the scope of WC coverage (for example, some jurisdictions exclude, domestic workers, out-workers, farm labourers and self-employed from coverage) are workers who may have limited access to alternative employment, any expansion of WC coverage that includes these populations has the potential to help some of the most vulnerable workers return to work.

In my presentation, I noted that some jurisdictions have mandatory reinstatement provisions in their WC legislation. These provisions require an employer to take an injured worker back to employment. Some jurisdictions go further and require the employer to accommodate the worker to the point of “undue hardship”—a significantly higher test than mere ‘reasonable accommodation’. The big stick of legislation is not unique to some Canadian jurisdictions. Many Australian jurisdictions, for example, require employers to return injured workers to employment.

Since WorkSafeBC’s legislation contains no direct mandatory reinstatement provision, other approaches are emphasized. For example, WorkSafeBC offers a rebate of premiums to employers who qualify for a Certificate of Recognition. After substantiating through an audit that a firm has a prevention program in place that exceeds the regulatory minimum and has an injury management/Return to Work program in place, the firm may qualify for a 15% rebate. This can provide a substantial carrot to get and keep the attention focused on primary prevention and disability management that may help all workers—not just those who may suffer a work-related injury.

In the question and answer session, I was asked how WorkSafeBC is financed and how this compares with the typical US workers’ compensation insurer. I noted that WorkSafeBC is the exclusive insurer of work-related injury, the sole adjudicative authority, policy maker, workplace health and safety regulator and inspectorate for the province (like OSHA in the US). WorkSafeBC is funded by premiums that average about $1.56 per $100 of assessable payroll and that premium covers all WorkSafeBC’s functions (in the U.S., the quoted base or book rate may not reflect assessments or levies that finance research, oversight, appeals, and state-OSHA costs).

In follow-up questions, I was asked what I meant by assessable payroll. In many places, workers’ compensation rates apply to total payroll as opposed to the limit WorkSafeBC and most other Canadian WC boards place on payroll per person (currently $68,500). If we stated WorkSafeBC’s premium in terms of total payroll, we estimate the rate would come in at about $1.33 per $100 of payroll.

It was clear from the interest expressed in questions both during and following the session that many of the researchers in the audience were intrigued with the apparent low cost, relatively high benefits and strong return-to-work outcomes achieved in British Columbia for our workers and employers. If you are interested in seeing the presentations from this event, you will find them posted on the past events section of the NASI.org site...look for the November 18, 2009 seminar listing.

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